Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Final Three

It's the final three. Only two songs this year, which I'm not happy with at all. I think this year has really been hurt by the normal idol process of not giving out information prior to the shows. When there is a normal season with very few changes, it's ok. This year with lots of changes it comes across as chaotic, and almost like they are making things up as they go along, which I don't like. Still, one or two great performances and things will seem a lot better. A little bird =) told me Kris is singing One Republic APOLIGIZE tonight.

2 Hours till what is hopefully a blow away show....

We start with Danny's judge's choice by Paula, Dance Little Sister by Terrance Trent Darby. Thanks Paula, an obscure song choice that has no chance of being any kind of great moment. What a great choice. Is it just me or does he scream too much lately? This was a terrible song choice for him. He's trying, and he's bringing a lot of energy so it's good but they could have given him more. Kara doesn't like the dancing. Paula likes it, but the judges always like their song choice. Simon doesn't like the song choice. Me neither. Terrence Trent Darby has better songs than this.

Danny gets the short end of the stick, Paula's song choice, Kris as his duet partner, seemingly always in the beginning of the show.

And next it's...Kris with Apoligize chosen by Randy and Kara (each half a judge apparently). Apparently they like him as opposed to Paula with Danny. And Adam goes last AGAIN. It's again good, not great. It's nowhere as good as the original but it's very much a similar arrangement. No moment here. (Although Kara and Randy will gush.) Randy gushes, Kara does not as she pretty much says what i thought. Paula struggles to not say something negative. Simon criticizes Kara for not recommending an arrangement (she did say he should have done a guitar arrangement) but criticizing Kris for not doing a good arrangement. That is true. Kara physically attacking Simon. She has reached Paula level. She is a good replacment, annoying and hits when angry. Adam next with Simon's choice which will no doubt be awesome.

Ok, Simon picks ONE by U2, personally calling Bono and getting his permission. The other judges are inept morons. Better than the other two just because it's original. I didn't love the arrangement personally and it had too much falsetto for my taste but I'm nitpicking and it was better and the other three judges are going to nitpick to not give Simon credit. Randy nitpicks, Kara gushes in a way to criticize Simon, Paula says she is miserable because she has to give Simon credit for a great choice and annoints Adam as the winner (how many times has she done that this season. Simon says it was a brilliant song choice. Haha... Adam gives Simon props too. Adam will be in the finals.

Back to Danny who will do something slow and better than his first I am sure. Actually IDOL GIVES BACK update next. Hmm....to the met game.

Met's losing again. Damn...

Danny with YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. Great arrangement. Beginning is the normal version you expect. The second part he is singing this power vocal while the rest of the song plays in the background. I liked that a lot. No one remembers where you started but everyone remembers where you finished and that finished GREAT. Really good. When Danny is not sabatoged by Paula he is in good shape. Paula loved it too. Simon called it a vocal masterclass (after complaining about the arrangement because he didn't pick it). I hope Danny and Adam are in the final. I can't imagine what Kris can do to change that opinion. I'm sure he comes out and does a typical Kris performance, solid but not great.

Kris with Heartless by Kanye West. WTF(udge)? This whole vocal has an electronic feel to it. I like the song a lot but it's all due to Kanye's production and such. I don't like this. It's acoustic. For the second week in a row Kris reminds me of a good subway performer taking requests and playing any inane thing you ask him to play. Randy thought it was the greatest thing ever. Kara makes the point that she was right about Kris before again. Simon thinks Kris has a chance to be in the final now.

I'm sorry, that was lame. Maybe Adam can come out and do a slow jam verion of IN DA CLUB next with a piano. I really hope Kris is not in the final. It will be a coronation.

Adam next. Adam last. Adam has been last at least 4 times this season if not more. That's just way too many.

Adam with CRYIN. Nice second song choice i think for Adam. It's the kind of thing that will come across good even if it's not, if you know what I mean. Ehh. Great singing, lots of energy and the crowd was going nuts but not as good as Danny's, which was my favorite.

Adam and Danny in the final. Kris a strong third though which means Danny could be in trouble.

See you in a week!!!


  1. I just got home in time to hear Danny sing his choice...listening to Kris now.

    Really liking Kris. Apparently so is Randy :)

  2. UGH. I hated that. I'm sorry, he just strummed his guitar and sang a very bland version of what isn't a very lyrically good or interesting song. I thought that was just as bad and indulgent as Adam's butchering of Johnny Cash earlier in the year. Couldn't you do a krisified version like that of almost any song?

  3. Terrance Trent Darby? Of ALL the musicians and songs available (or limited due to copyright?) and that's what Paula chooses for Danny? Bad Paula, BAD! It's not the most recognizable song and it's as if you're setting Danny up to scream again. I actually liked the performance though, all things considered.

    Kris did ok...it's a BIG song. I'm thinking the studio version will sound better.

    I did not like Glambert's version. Too falsetto and almost too "pitchy" in the beginning. I need to watch it again. And Simon, seriously, of ALL the songs in the world...I love U2, but there are so many other songs...

    I'm flipping back and forth between AI and The Biggest Loser finale. lol.

    Um, Danny was a bit rough in the beginning, but Joe Cocker song is definitely him. Wow, even Simon liked it. Interesting.

    Great arrangement, Kris! THAT was fabulous!

    There's a good possibility this may end up being a Kris/Glambert showdown, unless Danny fans vote like crazy.


  4. Ugh, Glambert is screeeching again. "I was screeching when I met you..." But it was better than his version of "One."

  5. i think you are all swayed by Kri's boyish good looks. =P that caused me pain...

    Who do you think is final 2?

  6. Disclaimer: I haven't seen any of the judges' choice songs yet, but of the final three I liked Kris's the best. Sorry, but I just didn't think there was anything that special about Danny's arrangement of YASB. Honestly, I started out really liking him but I've been increasingly bored by him lately. And Soeun, I agree that Glambert screeched his way through that Aerosmith song. Even the background singers were too screechy.

    I want an Adam/Kris finale.

