Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's on! The Top 2?

Will this be a battle or a coronation? 90 minutes till showtime. I may be a little slow on the post here, Kate is detemined to distract me during Idol watching time and I must be focused tonight! See you soon...


Wow, Kris came a long way look wise. Adam is basically a slightly cleaner version of beginning Adam. Cue dramatic music and we are ON....Kris and Adam are supposably great friends. Ryan warns us we may be long so set your DVR's accordingly (which is ok if you set your DVR and are also watching like me, but not so good if you are not.)

Cue first commerical break.

Nothing could make me watch Glee. NOTHING.

Adam's screech developed in infanthood apparently.

Adam singing MADWORLD as his choice. Nice. I really liked this, it might be my favorite song of the year. He goes with the long coat look. (note: Kate is mesmorized. Not sure if that's good or bad.) Really good but not the same impact as the first time of course, which is why i hate the repeat.
Randy: I love you chose a song you did before. (MORON)
Kara: Loved it, as it changed things up this year.
Paula: You look handsome and I'm proud of you. Ramble ramble ramble.
Simon: Complains to complain. It was a little theatrical. (Adam? Theatrical? NO....)
Nothing earth shattering but I guess that is the point.

Right now it's Kris with....AINT NO SUNSHINE at the piano. I actually think I may have missed this the first time. I like this so much better than his strumming the guitar sound alike stuff. Tempo picks up. I actually think it would have been better quiet and subdued the whole way. The louder parts were so-so, the subdued parts were really moving.
Randy: Makes NBA analogy. Randy knows exactly what Kris does. Likes it a lot.
Kara: Rambles
Paula: Rambles (I may stop including what they said)
Simon: Says Kris justified his place in the final.
I like the look on Kris's face. It's like, wow, how the (fudge) did I get here, this is really cool.... This is the second year in a row that the finalists look like they are having the time of their life.

I give round 1 to KRIS. Not a KO, more a decision. Simon says the same.


Note: NBA Lottery is at 8:30. If the Knicks get the #1 or #2 pick I'm going to be distracted the remainder of the show.

Blogger ate the comment. I posted and it went poof. Annoying. Try again?

Simon Fuller choices now. Both Adam and Kris gave backhanded compliments to the songs chosen (Adam:out of my comfort zone, Kris: Not something I can easily make a Kris song).

Adam with Change is Gonna Come. This is what they chose? Adam does what he can with it, it's kind of theatrical but I'm not sure what else he could have done with that. The vocals were really good though but it was strange to me how he interpeted it, mostly because of the song choice. It was like him fighting the song but he won. I sound critical but I'm trying to be complimentary because I think the song didn't suit him but he still dig well. Randy loved the song choice and loved it. Paula and Kara super love it. Simon says Adam is back.

Kris with What's Going On. Strums the guitar, very competenly sung, very nice performance and very well done but not really a song the he can shine vocally on, so he didn't. There wasn't that one point where you really shine for a song like that. It was really laid back. Randy said about the same. Kara likes the socially concious message cause Kris can make people change. Simon didn't like it, he thought it was like 3 friends strumming along to Marvin Gaye and says it was too laid back. Ooh, it's scary when i use the same words as Simon.

Round 2 - Adam easily.

It's THE IDOL SINGLE? Do they sing the same song, different songs? I actually really liked the winner song last year, which they didn't actually sing until the show was over, not in the performance show.

Same song both.

Adam first. It's better to be first if you are good here. If you are, it becomes your song and the next person is singing your song. Especially because the Idol single is a dramatic song and Kris is going to sing songy it. It's a very lame song. YOU CAN GO HIGHER, YOU CAN GO DEEPER, BLAH BLAH. Kara wrote this? Adam is very theatrical here. Too much backround singing. I guess it's called NO BOUNDARIES? Crowd is going nuts. Randy says you can sing anything, but this is just alright. Adam said the song is beautiful to Kara. (No, it's not). Paula i missed. Simon didn't like the song and won't judge the song, just Adam. That's the most fair. That was so-so, Adam is being nice about it, but WTF is with that song?

Why don't they just sing A MOMENT LIKE THIS? It's an idol staple. Then at the finale, give them their song.

Kris up soon with the crappy song. The Knicks pick #8, damn. He is trying hard, but it's equally crappy. WTF. The melody doesn't fit either one of their voices. Kris can't do the power vocals either. This is actually fairly poor. I can imagine him and Adam before the show WTF IS THIS SONG? I KNOW HOW CAN WE SING THIS? ITS SO RETARDED. I'm sorry, that was very so-so through no fault of Kris aside from maybe he could have been more creative trying to patch over the song. Randy says it fit Kris better. Kara says the song didn't fit him. YOU CANNOT CRITICIZE THE SONG CHOICE IF YOU ARE PART OF THE CHOOSING. Paula blah blah. Simon says the highlight was the first song but says Kris should be proud of his whole season, and you know, he should and Simon does not judge the last performance, which is again, very fair.

The bromance ends with them both singing that song. And thus our season is over. Final thoughts in a bit.

Round 3 - Adam by a nose but it's a nose smelling a bad smell....

Speaking of songs that don't fit, who told Carrie Underwood to sing Motley Crue?

I really liked what Kris did the last couple of weeks. He went from afterthought to contender to strong contender. He built a fanbase. I think a lot of his support the last few weeks is Adam backlash though, people don't like Adam's style so they pick the person most likely to knock him off. (There are tons of Nugget fans this week cause people think they might beat the Lakers.) However, I don't think he did enough to win. I think Adam had a bigger lead than people think coming in, and I think the most memorable moments were Kris's first song and Adam's 2nd. It's arguable who sang the final song last, but they both were lame, and Kris's performance (his final two actually) had no big vocal moments to them that would stay in your mind. Idol is built on big vocal moments.

So i say Adam wins tommorrow.

I say this as a function of analysis, whereas going in I thought this was a slam dunk for Adam. I would not be shocked if they said Kris won tommorrow. Surprised, yes. Shocked no. And i think that's a huge departure from where we were a week or two ago.

At least there is no one i hate. BOY, i hated the season 5 finale. I wanted Taylor to snap and run off the stage and be disqualified. (Which would have made Katharine win, ick..)

Strange up and down season has strange finale.

Thanks for the comments! See you once more tomorrow.....then the long hiatus until we come back next year sans one judge...


  1. NOT liking this coronation song AT ALL. Very un-melodic. Adam is doing lots of screeching.


  2. Still don't like the song, but Kris is doing a much better job with it. Now I can understand the words (and that might not be a good thing :)


  3. Haha, no. He couldn't sing it at all and it was all a key too low. Adam at least coudl sing it. Was it Kris's fault? No. But he just crooned it it.

    Best performance of the night was Kri's first. Too bad the order wasn't in reverse.

    I think Kris leaves this with a chance though. Must think more...

  4. SO SO SO UNIMPRESSED with the Kara song!!! What was that?! It's like she pulled an all-nighter and put it together. Such cliche lyrics...mountains to climb, blah blah blah...I was thinking it and Simon said it...lol. Unfortunately, we're going to hear this song over and over and over...

    I reeeally liked Glambert's Change is Gonna Come. His Madworld was just ok this time. Maybe he should've worn his white suit or was it a silver suit? Overall, I thought Kris did a good job with two songs vs. just one from Adam. Kris's What's going on...a bit laid back yes, but it's not really a power song. Blame Simon Fuller. Kris really came into his own as the weeks progressed. Showed what talent he already has and more importantly, his potential to be an "artist." Granted, Adam was a pro from the getgo and barely wavered, but he HAS been performing since when?

    Neither were that great with Kara's song. Talk about screeching at its worst. Better suited for Kris; kind of had a One Republic feel to it.

    I honestly think it can go either way. It's not impossible for Kris to win so it's no clear cut win for Adam. I'm gonna vote for the underdog and say Kris wins. :)
    - sn

  5. SOmeone said something to me that I agree with, didn't anyone LISTEN to that song prior to putting it out there? It's awful, it's not a hit song, and it was going to sound bad twice. Why go through that?
